Sher Maker
Thongchai Chansamak and Patcharada Inplang
Architect and maker based in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Thongchai Chansamak
1983 Born, Udonthani, Thailand
2008 Bachelor Degree of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Chiangmai University
2018 Sher Maker Studio Established
Patcharada Inplang
1990 Born, Chiangrai, Thailand
2008 Bachelor Degree of Architecture, Second Class Honors, School of architecture art and design, KMITL
2010 Supermachine Studio, Internship
2014 Studiomake, Architect
2018 Sher Maker Studio Established
2019 ASA new face selected, The Association of Siamese Architects, Thailand
Jury, Lecturer
2020 Lecturer Faculty of fine arts, Chiang Mai university
Lecturer School of architecture art and design, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
2021 Speaker Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University
Guest Jury Faculty of Architecture, Chiang Mai university
Guest Jury Faculty of Architecture, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna
Speaker ANABATA Open Talk E Series, Indonesia
Lecturer Griffith University ,Gold Coast Australia
Speaker ANAKATA Main Festival, Jakarta, Indonesia
Review Master’s of Architecture programme at The Department of Architecture, HKU
Exhibition, Workshop
2018 Exhibitor French embassy,D17/20 Workshop, World Design Capital Exhibition 2020,